Vi s-a intamplat vreodata sa admirati parul lung si frumos al unei vedete? V-ati zis in gand, sigur ca e usor sa ai par lung si frumos cand ai o echipa de stilisti in jurul tau in orice clipa?
Candva am vazut un documentar de genul "din spate cortinei" despre cat de grea e in realitate viata unei vedete. Dar ma rog, nu asta am retinut eu din acel documentar, ci am ramas profund marcata cand, dupa ce se demachiaza, o actrita incepe sa-si dea jos extensiile. Si ce e atat de ciudat, va intrebati?
Pai, incepuse sa dea jos parti de extensii, care nici nu stiam pe atunci ca exista. De exemplu,o portiune (credeam pe atunci ca e peruca, cum vedeam prin filme ca poarta barbatii cu chelie) statea fix in crestetul capului, fiind exact acea zona care da volum parului.
Asa am descoperit ca extensiile nu au doar rolul de a lungi parul. De exemplu, ati vazut pana acum ca exista si extensii fix pentru breton? Asta mi s-a parut genial. Vrei breton, dar nu te induri sa tai parul, plus ca stii cat de greu e sa aranjezi efectiv un breton, treaba se rezolva cu o mica extensie!
Dar despre asta, vorbim mai tarziu un pic.
Cum si de ce am inceput eu sa port extensii
Primele mele extensii pe care le-am purtat, erau pe vremea cand in Romania nu aparusera inca extensiile. Am avut norocul sa pot cumpara din afara o coada (din seria celor care se prind cu cleste). E si varianta cea mai usor de folosit. Ele arata cam asa:
Ulterior am trecut la cele cu clip on, care sunt mult mai functionale, din mai multe motive. Nu am folosit niciodata extensiile cu cheratina sau microring, pentru ca am firul de par foarte subtire si sensibil si in cazul meu nu e recomandat. In schmib, cele cu clip on, le folosesti doar cand ai chef.
Ele ajuta la:
Wavy hair- if you have straight short hair, this is a change you`d like.
Ombre hair- don`t bleach your hair! You can have a better look with some great hair ombre extensions.
Highlights-highlight cand really damage your hair. And you mignt not want to wear them forever. This is a healthy way to change your hair without any effort.
Vibrant colours highlights in your hair- it`s very difficult to have a long lasting vibrant colour in your hair. I should know, I tried. Some great extension can make it very easy!
Now that we talked about extensions, let`s see some great human hair wigs:
You might be a cosplayer or want to look like your favourite movie star, or just want to see how another colour would look like. If have dark hair, but want to became a blonde, exensions ge only get you so far. You must admit that you need a full hair wig. Check out
I myself own a blonde long wig and a black wavy one. I didn`t really got to wear them much, only when I play a trick on someone. But I really like them and I try them on first, before changing again my hair colour.
So, are you thinking about a new hair colour or style? Have you decided which is best for you: full wigs or extensions?
Here are some great Short Wigs For Women onWigsbuy that you might really like:
Check them out here:
Candva am vazut un documentar de genul "din spate cortinei" despre cat de grea e in realitate viata unei vedete. Dar ma rog, nu asta am retinut eu din acel documentar, ci am ramas profund marcata cand, dupa ce se demachiaza, o actrita incepe sa-si dea jos extensiile. Si ce e atat de ciudat, va intrebati?
Pai, incepuse sa dea jos parti de extensii, care nici nu stiam pe atunci ca exista. De exemplu,o portiune (credeam pe atunci ca e peruca, cum vedeam prin filme ca poarta barbatii cu chelie) statea fix in crestetul capului, fiind exact acea zona care da volum parului.
Asa am descoperit ca extensiile nu au doar rolul de a lungi parul. De exemplu, ati vazut pana acum ca exista si extensii fix pentru breton? Asta mi s-a parut genial. Vrei breton, dar nu te induri sa tai parul, plus ca stii cat de greu e sa aranjezi efectiv un breton, treaba se rezolva cu o mica extensie!
Dar despre asta, vorbim mai tarziu un pic.
Cum si de ce am inceput eu sa port extensii
Primele mele extensii pe care le-am purtat, erau pe vremea cand in Romania nu aparusera inca extensiile. Am avut norocul sa pot cumpara din afara o coada (din seria celor care se prind cu cleste). E si varianta cea mai usor de folosit. Ele arata cam asa:
Ele ajuta la:
- lungesc parul;
- cele ondulate si lungi arata foarte bine la un par scurt si drept (nici nu e necesar sa va ondulati propriul par);
- daca aveti parul rar, extensiile pot fi o solutie foarte buna;
- creativitate- poti opta pentur suvite colorate diferit de parul tau, sau chiar suvite blonde (fara sa iti chinui si oxigenezi propriul par);
Tipuri :
- Peruci obisnuite;
- Peruci cu dantela;
- Parti;
- Extensii: cu cheratina, cu microring, cu banda adeziva, cu clip on, extensiile tip-tesatura (cusute).
In functie de calitate:
- sintetice;
- din par natural.
Daca ar fi sa va dau un sfat, v-as recomanda extensiile din par natural. Desigur ca putem gasi extensii sintetice foarte bune, dar ele pot avea cateva inconveniente. De exemplu, eu mi-am cumparat acum cativa ani o coada (foarte lunga si foarte scumpa) pe care nu am purtat-o niciodata, pentru ca era atat de grea, incat efectiv imi tragea capul pe spate :)). Parul natural e mai usor. In plus, parul natural poate fi vopsit, ondulat sau indreptat. In schimb, cele sintetice se poate sa reziste mai mult timp decat parul natural, ca poate fi totusi, mai sensibil (in special cel vopsit/decolorat)
Eu port extensiile doar la ocazii speciale. Nu imi place sa le port zilnic, dar nici nu as renunta de tot la ele. Mie parul imi creste foarte greu si cred ca nici in 10 ani nu as ajunge la lungimea pe care mi-o doresc. In plus, am parul foarte rar si chiar si coafat nu arata cine stie ce.
Mai jos, aveti o galerie foto cu cateva modele interesante de peruci/ extensii/ bucati de par pentru a va face o impresie despre cum arata si cum se folosesc.
Voi purtati extensii? Ati purta?
Hair extensions and wigs are big right now. You see them everywhere. It`s not only movie actrisses and stars wearing them, but also normal people. Asian girls just love to wear candy colour wigs. And most of the young girls tried at least once clip on candy colour extensions, right?
How can extensions help you?
How can extensions help you?
- they make your hair longer (much longer, as long as you like);
- they make your hair look thicker (it`a great quick fix);
- easier to style;
- they give you the change you`d like, without touching your hair at all.
There are many options for you out there: you can choose 2015 New Short Hairstyle Wigs and extensions, or syntetic hair. I would strongly recomand the human hair because they will give you the freedom to style and also change the colour if needed. But if you only want to see a radical change, and maybe choose some vivid colours or highlights to your hair, you might want to try the syntetic ones.
Here are some Short Hair Wigs I would try for a change:
Wavy hair- if you have straight short hair, this is a change you`d like.
Ombre hair- don`t bleach your hair! You can have a better look with some great hair ombre extensions.
Highlights-highlight cand really damage your hair. And you mignt not want to wear them forever. This is a healthy way to change your hair without any effort.
Vibrant colours highlights in your hair- it`s very difficult to have a long lasting vibrant colour in your hair. I should know, I tried. Some great extension can make it very easy!
Now that we talked about extensions, let`s see some great human hair wigs:
You might be a cosplayer or want to look like your favourite movie star, or just want to see how another colour would look like. If have dark hair, but want to became a blonde, exensions ge only get you so far. You must admit that you need a full hair wig. Check out
I myself own a blonde long wig and a black wavy one. I didn`t really got to wear them much, only when I play a trick on someone. But I really like them and I try them on first, before changing again my hair colour.
So, are you thinking about a new hair colour or style? Have you decided which is best for you: full wigs or extensions?
Here are some great Short Wigs For Women onWigsbuy that you might really like:
Check them out here:
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