---For English, scroll down---
Franjurile, cel mai nou si mai important trend al anului 2015 isi prelungeste durata de viata si in sezonul rece.
Ce e drept, puloverele si esarfele cu franjuri arata bine, fie ca se poarta sau nu.
Alte obiecte de vestimentatie de iarna cu franjuri vi se vor parea surprinzatoare, insa cu siguranta o sa doriti sa le includeti in tinutele voastre.
Iata o colectie interesanta (de franjuri) pentru iarna 2015:
Click on every photo to get to the product link
Iata si cupoanele de reducere pentru aceasta perioada pe SheIn:
Tassel for Winter apparel might surprize you. But it`s cute and nice to see tassel scarves, dresses and coats. If you like tassels, you`ll love these clothes. Click on every photo to get to the product link. And here are the shopping coupons availible until 21st December:
Sweet deals for a whole new wardrobe
Take 40% OFF Over US$59
Take 45% OFF Over US$159
Take 50% OFF Over US$299
Ends: December/21
Franjurile, cel mai nou si mai important trend al anului 2015 isi prelungeste durata de viata si in sezonul rece.
Ce e drept, puloverele si esarfele cu franjuri arata bine, fie ca se poarta sau nu.
Alte obiecte de vestimentatie de iarna cu franjuri vi se vor parea surprinzatoare, insa cu siguranta o sa doriti sa le includeti in tinutele voastre.
Iata o colectie interesanta (de franjuri) pentru iarna 2015:
Click on every photo to get to the product link
Iata si cupoanele de reducere pentru aceasta perioada pe SheIn:
Tassel for Winter apparel might surprize you. But it`s cute and nice to see tassel scarves, dresses and coats. If you like tassels, you`ll love these clothes. Click on every photo to get to the product link. And here are the shopping coupons availible until 21st December:
Sweet deals for a whole new wardrobe
Take 40% OFF Over US$59
Take 45% OFF Over US$159
Take 50% OFF Over US$299
Ends: December/21
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