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What would you buy from TideBuy?

Pentru ca am facut deja doua comenzi, de care am fost multumita si placut surprinsa, m-am decis sa scriu putin despre acest magazin online. Este vorba de Tidebuy.
Ceea ce imi place, in primul rand, e ca intr-adevar au foarte multe produse din orice categorie. Apoi calitatea e chiar buna. Sigur, ramane valabil aspectul ca produsele de cativa dolari sunt ceva mai slabe calitativ, fata de cele care costa mai mult. Dar nici aspect nu este universal valabil: de exemplu mi-am cumparat o pereche de sandale (din material textil), la care nu ma asteptam sa dureze prea mult, mai ales ca au costat vreo $7. 
Totusi, le-am purtat toata vara si inca arata ca si noi: sunt cusute foarte bine, lipite foarte bine, talpa rezistenta, accesoriile de calitate si nici macar materialul nu a dat semne de slabire. Sunt destul de convinsa ca le voi mai purta cativa ani cel putin.
Nici hainele nu m-au dezamagit. In primul rand, nu au numai marimi "chinezesti". Adica marimea XL nu e defapt un M, pentru ca si eu am patit de multe ori sa imi cumpar haine care nu aveau cum sa se potriveasca siluetelor europene (ca sa ma exprim asa).

Ca un mic defect, as mentiona ca transportul e gratuit doar la comenzi de peste $119, dar acest aspect nu are mare importanta pentru mine, pentru ca, in general, transportul vine in jur de $4-$5 (depinzand desigur de cate produse si ce greutate au). Ceea ce e rezonabil. Nici mie nu-mi plac site-urile care, desi au produse foarte ieftine, transportul practic dubleaza valoarea comenzii. 

Dar va spuneam ca unul din cele mai importante aspecte pentru mine e faptul ca au foarte multe categorii de produse: incepand de la rochii de ocazie (care sunt superbe si costa doar in jur de $100- de cele mai multe ori chiar si mai putin), rochii Lolita (pe care eu le ador si mi se par perfecte pentru un bal mascat), haine pentru diverse ocazii, cat si accesorii ieftine de tot, incluzand pantofi si posete.

Maybe you`ve seen in some of my outfits many items from Tidebuy and since I was very content with my orders, I`ve decided to tell you more about this oneline shop. 
First of all, I really like that you can really find everything here: from special occasion dresses, to very cheap clothes, cute and cheap accesories including shoes and bags, also plus size clothing.
Usually, very cheap clothes mean poor quality, but here is not really the case. I have ordered a pair of sandals, because they were so cute and I wanted them so badly. But they were made of fabric and were very cheap, so I wasn`t expecting a very good quality. Surprisingly, I have wore them all summer and they still look great: the fabric is very lasting, the stitches very well made and the bottom of the sandals very durable. I actually expect to wear them for a few years now on!
So now, I totally recomand this site!
The shipping is free over $119 order, but the shipping fee is really low ($4-$5) per item, so it`s ok.
Also, the order takes sometimes only a week to arrive.

As I mentioned before, I really like that they have many-many styles for every woman`s clothing. For exemple these Lolita dresses, that look great for a masquerade ball:

(Click on the photos to get to the product page)

I also really like the coats on this site. They are very cheap and pretty:

By the way, they have a very nice collection of juniors clothing that you might like. 
You can find all the Cheap Woman`s Clothing cathegories here:


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