Asa cum v-am mai spus, aceasta este luna aniversara a blogului si asta inseamna in primul rand multe suprize pentru voi, cei care ma urmariti. Daca v-ati inscris deja la primul concurs aniversar, acum va invit sa participati la un concurs in colaborare cu Oasap. Premiul vi-l alegeti voi!
a Rafflecopter giveawayThis giveaway is open internationaly. One winner will be choosen shortly after the giveaway ends. The winner will be notified at the email adress she/he provided.
Good luck!
Did you enter the first anniversary giveaway? It`s open worldwide. Click on the picture:
Conditiile sunt simple si aveti posibilitatea sa obtineti sanse in plus, daca bifati si conditiile optionale din formularul de concurs!
Dar in primul rand....
Care dintre cele doua modele doriti sa castigati?
(Dati click pe fiecare poza pentur a obtine link`ul si- Completati raspunsul in formular)
Ready for a new anniversary giveaway? This is Kaiyo Aino anniversary month, so many surprize giveaway will be here waiting for you on my blog!
Let`s start a new giveaway with a gorgeous Prize!
Remeber to leave a blog comment, so I can keep track of your entry!
Which one of these cape coats would you like to win?
(Click one every photo to get the link and paste your answer into the giveaway form)!
The rules are easy, just follow the instructions from the giveaway form:
(Wait a few moment for the form to load)
a Rafflecopter giveawayThis giveaway is open internationaly. One winner will be choosen shortly after the giveaway ends. The winner will be notified at the email adress she/he provided.
Good luck!
Did you enter the first anniversary giveaway? It`s open worldwide. Click on the picture:
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